Welcome to the Lionsgate Academy Alumni page! Lionsgate is a place to learn, a place to truly belong. Your journey as a lion doesn’t end at graduation. Whether you graduated last year or many years ago, we welcome you to stay connected to our pride.
A Lionsgate Alum is anyone who was enrolled in the Lionsgate Academy School District and has completed your secondary education. On the alumni web page, you are invited to participate in the community by staying in touch and keeping informed about alumni events.
Click the form below to update your contact information and share what you’ve been up to since graduation. (Please note that we will not distribute or sell your personal information to third-party organizations.)
Share Your Contact Info & Update
Lionsgate Academy is building the LGA Alumni Committee whose purpose is to extend the Lionsgate Academy Mission beyond graduation by fostering a community of pride, tradition and loyalty between current and former students. This team is currently made up of staff members and will soon include volunteers from our alumni, families and Lionsgate Foundation.
For questions or if you would like to join Lionsgate’s Alumni Committee, please contact Lisa Moss at or Kathy Kubitschek at .