Lionsgate Academy strives to provide healthy, well-balanced meals for our students. In order to do so, we have partnered with Trio Community Meals.
The Free School Meals Bill allows one complete breakfast and lunch each school day to each student at no cost. All items outside of the complete meal are considered a la carte purchases. Payment for ala carte items (extra slice of pizza, extra milk, etc.) can be made by clicking the ParentVue icon at the top of this page or by clicking here. For assistance with ParentVue or SchoolPay (what Lionsgate uses to process payments and fees) check out these videos:
Accessing SchoolPay through ParentVue
Payment can also be made via cash or check sent in to the school – please be sure to include your student’s name and location if paying this way. If you have questions regarding school food programs, please email Craig Pearson at .
For more information about our Wellness Policy, click here.
If your student requires special dietary restrictions, the Special Diet Statement or Declaració de Dieta Especial must be completed and returned to the food service coordinator, Craig Pearson at .
MDE Info about Special Dietary Needs:
Civil Rights Statement
In accordance with Federal law and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, our District is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.