A blueprint can be defined as “a detailed plan for doing something new, or something that is a model for how something should be done” (McMillan Education, 2021). Now in our 14th school year, we are pleased to be able to share what we are calling the Lionsgate Academy Blueprint that may help others see our evolution and to give information and perspective to potential charter school developers.
Our blueprint consists of a series of briefs, written by Lionsgate staff, and is designed to inform others of special practices that make Lionsgate Academy the unique and successful charter school that it is. We have learned from both our successes and from our mistakes. These briefs are two to eight page documents that examine creative solutions to issues faced by the Lionsgate community. The briefs are organized around High Leverage Practices in Special Education (HLPs). Developed by the Council for Exceptional Children, HLPs are educational practices―in the areas of collaboration, assessment, social/emotional/behavioral, and instruction― that are used frequently in classrooms and have been shown to improve student outcomes. Each brief is classified under one or more of these broader domains and reflects our commitment to using evidence-based practices whenever possible.
It is important to note that Lionsgate does not encourage separate schools for individuals with disabilities. We believe a student with a disability is best served in the student’s local school district: being accepted by peers, receiving effective instruction from teachers, and being encouraged and supported by administration to be fully integrated into the school community. This is a tall order. And many, many local schools do a great job in ensuring a welcoming environment for all students. There are, however, times when a family decides that a student’s particular needs, at a particular time, are better served in a more specialized program of public education. It is this niche that Lionsgate fills.
Our Mission and Vision
To understand how policies and practices have evolved at Lionsgate, it is helpful to know the school’s mission and values:
The Mission of Lionsgate Academy is to foster self-determination by providing a transition-focused, personalized education for all,
specializing in educating autistic learners.
Our vision is to create an inclusive, innovative academic community where students may safely experience the transition to young adulthood. Here we are all partners in learning; empowering students to become confident, flexible, and self-disciplined.
Students are challenged to grow through a balance of academic, social, and emotional experiences so they are adequately prepared to become active citizens in their local and global communities with the highest quality of life possible. A transition focus is infused throughout the school’s programming and activities.
In service to our mission and vision, our curriculum is designed to incorporate common domains of transition throughout the day and throughout the year. The preparation for transition includes instruction and supports from five interrelated elements commonly used in high schools across the country. These are:
- Academics (including post-secondary education)
- Career Preparatory Experiences
- Youth Development And Youth Leadership
- Connecting Activities (including independent living, physical and mental health, social engagement)
- Involvement of Families and Members of the Community
(National Alliance for Secondary Education and Transition, 2010. http://nasetalliance.org/)