Twice-exceptional learners are students who demonstrate the potential for high achievement or creative productivity in one or more domains such as math, science, technology, the social arts,the visual, spatial, or performing arts or other areas of human productivity AND who manifest one or more disabilities as defined by federal or state eligibility criteria. These disabilities and high abilities combine to produce a unique population of students who may fail to demonstrate either high academic performance or specific disabilities. Their gifts may mask their disabilities and their disabilities may mask their gifts. (As defined by a Joint National Commission of researchers and scholars, educators and policymakers.)
Lionsgate Academy, in keeping with our tradition of serving students of all abilities, is proud to offer The LEO Program. LEO stands for Leadership Enrichment Opportunities and our program serves a small, very unique group of twice exceptional learners.
Educational services must identify and serve both the high achievement potential and the academic and social-emotional deficits of this population of students. Twice-exceptional students require differentiated instruction, curricular and instructional accommodations and/or modifications, direct services, specialized instruction, acceleration options, and opportunities for talent development that incorporate the effects of their dual diagnosis. (Reis et al.)
If you believe your student may be twice exceptional, and you would like more information about our LEO program, you may download our brochure and view our Prospective Families page for information on upcoming information sessions and open houses.